Dreams To Reality

I’ve got half a mind to buy that 1970s Datsun truck for sale down the road. I know it’s rusty as heck and possibly good for no more than parts, but it’s precisely the car I wanted when I was a kid. I had a little collectable toy that looked just like this one, and I took it everywhere with me, imagining that it was real. This kind of feels like the universe finally coming through on my young heart’s desire.

It’s only $700… how could I lose? I’ve never restored an old car before, but it can’t be rocket science, can it? Okay, I know. It’s an ill-advised move, and my inner child is using faulty reasoning to convince me to look past the obvious pitfalls. Still, I can dream. I can compare jaunty, 70s-style paint jobs, and weigh up the best place to buy custom ute trays. Melbourne suburban types like me need a project like this in their lives; can you blame me?

My inner child would certainly want the paint to be a sort of grass green, preferably with a red and yellow racing stripe along the length of each side. A cream-coloured leather interior would be non-negotiable, although adult me would probably go for brown – much more practical. While I’m talking practicalities, I’d love to add a contemporary touch with one of those awesome aluminium canopies for utes. Melbourne businesses sport the commercial version with such panache, it makes me want to have one just because.

Would my child self approve of that addition? I would like to think so. I mean, it was never part of my vision, but what truck-loving kid could deny that it’s a pretty sweet mod? My new vision is simply a blend of unadulterated childhood whimsy and grown-up practicality – a winning combination for a truck restoration, if ever I heard of one.