Beach Bathtub Pitch

Sydney’s Bondi Beach was a canvas of mesmerising art installations, as the Sculpture by the Sea event drew in an array of visitors from art enthusiasts to beachgoers enjoying the sunny day. Amidst the colourful artwork and joyous crowd, there emerged a somewhat out-of-place figure.

Albert heaved a small bathtub model on his back, the kind typically used to showcase remodel designs. With sweat dripping down his face and his feet sinking into the warm sand, he made a peculiar figure amongst the beautiful and thoughtful art installations.

Unfazed by the dubious glances thrown his way, Albert attempted to blend into the sculptured landscape. He set down his bathtub model next to a striking modern sculpture and tried to gather a small audience.

“Excuse me, folks!” Albert raised his voice over the chatter of the crowd, “May I have a moment? I am here representing a distinguished bath modifications company near Sydney, offering safety and style that blends seamlessly with your bathroom aesthetic.”

The crowd exchanged bemused glances, yet a few kind souls paused out of curiosity or perhaps empathy for Albert’s clear discomfort under the bright sun.

He ventured to approach a family building a sandcastle nearby. “See, it’s almost like a sandcastle for adults—an art piece in your own home!” He gestured towards his bathtub model with a hopeful smile. “Ever wondered how to modify a bathtub for safety? Allow me to elucidate!”

As he carried on with his pitch, the family exchanged awkward smiles, the children looking at the bathtub model with a curious blend of confusion and fascination. Albert tried to steer into the spirit of the event, offering impromptu art interpretations of his bathtub model and even attempting to create sand sculptures resembling bath accessories to complement his pitch.

Despite his enthusiasm, the beachgoers seemed more interested in the stunning sculptures by established artists than a bathtub sales pitch. The waves crashing against the shore seemed to drown out Albert’s words, the sand swallowing the enthusiasm bubbling within him as he realised the futility of his efforts amidst the beautiful sculptures gracing Bondi Beach.

Dejected but not defeated, Albert hoisted the bathtub model back onto his weary shoulders. As he trudged away, a small child ran up to him, handing him a seashell as a token of appreciation, her smile offering a shimmer of hope in Albert’s sand-filled, bathtub-art adventure.